Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Killer Instinct

I've been ignoring the obvious for a while now. A bug here, a crab there . . . occasionally an intruding gecko, but it can no longer be ignored. Siena's death toll has been on the rise.

It seems my dog is of the "hunting" variety. Her number one objective in life is to find food. On walks it is all she can think about. She is constantly trying to sniff out a good piece of trash or a random bone. At home she can't be around us when we are eating without salivating all over the floor. I USED to think that her second objective was chasing iguanas and chickens but today I realized that #1 and #2 are fused.

On our walk we ran into a defenseless chicken with her chicks which were seeking refuge in a bush. Siena successfully scared them out and all the chickens scattered. One poor little chick became Siena's focus and she immediately pinned it down.

This is where I thought the story would end. Siena sniffs the chick, bats it around, barks at it, lets it go so she can chase it down again and then repeats. I was wrong. Siena immediately began to eat the chick. She was biting it a bunch and trying to spin it around in her mouth so she could swallow. I was freaking out because the chick was really cute and I don't want my dog to choke or get worms (these local chickens are pretty gross). Somehow I got Siena to drop the chick and I made sure it was dead (no need for it to suffer). There were some severe puncture wounds and I am done trying to save baby animals (like the bunny incident). We left the scene of the crime and Siena happily trotted the rest of the way home.

Oh Siena. If only we needed a hunting dog, this killer instinct would be really helpful. Unfortunately for you we don't and your leash will be a little shorter from now on.

1 comment:

  1. awesomely gross story! When Bogey was a pup, he would jump up and catch baby birds in mid-air (impressive at this point in the story)and then chomp on them while I could hear them chirping whenever he opening his gnashing teeth (disgusting at this point). I can still see their little legs sticking out of the side of his mouth. Good news though, he outgrew his murderous streak.
