Get ready Kansas, because here we come!
I am SOOOOO excited to visit Kansas this week. I'm glad we aren't going back for Christmas mostly because I can't wait any longer. Also because November offers both KU football AND basketball! I know the football team is a bit over par this year, but still. A game is a game and I'm going to enjoy myself this weekend, win or lose!
Next I want to address the SERIOUS lack of Mexican food on this island. I have severe salsa deficiency right now. I plan to eat my weight in enchiladas during this trip. If I haven't gained at least 5 lbs due to Mexican food by the time I go back to Cayman then I will consider the trip a failure!
There are some old Wichita favorites that I also hope to see. One is the classic Old Mill Tasty Shop. So yummy, so simple.
Of course, there is also the phenomenon of wheat beer that we miss so much. Bob especially can't wait for a few Boulevards!
I promise we are also excited to see our family and friends! It is time to get off the "rock" and back to the real world!!